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Digitalisation World INTERVIEWS • 2024 • Issue 5 • Part 3
Latest Interviews

GenAI looms large on the cybersecurity landscape
James Hodge, GVP & Chief Strategy Advisor at Splunk and a member of TechUK AI Committee, discusses the findings of the recent “State of Security 2024: The Race to Harness AI” global research report – in particular, the impact of GenAI on cybersecurity – both the good and the bad.

Unified storage for the AI era
Grant Caley, UK&I Solutions Engineering Director, NetApp, discusses the launch of the company’s new AFF A-Series systems that can power all the most demanding IT workloads customers face, including GenAI, VMware, and enterprise databases. Grant also details the additional capabilities NetApp has released to provide customers with the advanced data management, ransomware protection, and cloud integration that modern workloads demand, confirming the company’s intelligent data infrastructure focus, designed to help customers operate more efficiently as they leverage their data to drive innovation.

Caution - playing the GenAI long game pays dividends
Eric Johnson, Chief Information Officer at PagerDuty, discusses the findings of the company’s recent Generative AI survey, explaining how many organisations remain mistrustful and nervous of the technology, to the extent that they may well have paused usage in order to establish guidelines and policies, while understanding that, if they do not deploy GenAI, they risk falling behind their competitors. Eric provides some excellent advice to help end users understand how best to make a success of GenAI and to avoid getting caught up in the hype.

Plenty of AI excitement, but plenty of pitfalls as well?
David Williams, Acting Managing Director EMEA, Telstra International, and Kwee Chuan Yeo, Senior Editor, Asia, MIT Technology Review Insights, discuss the findings of a recent MITTR study focusing on AI. It seems that everyone wants to deploy AI, but many organisations have yet to understand or implement the IT infrastructure requirements which are a prerequisite project success.

IT remanufacture contributes to successful sustainability strategies
Steve Haskew, Head of Sustainability and Social Leadership at Circular Computing, explains how the road to Net Zero almost certainly involves organisations considering their IT estate, especially in terms of understanding that the carbon footprint of hardware is largely associated with the manufacture, rather than the use, of the equipment. Hence IT hardware remanufacture is an increasingly attractive option - with the added bonus of significant financial savings.

Next Opportunity

One of the major successes in 2023 for clients of Digitalisation World has been our recorded video interviews. With an average audience of well over 1000 viewers per interview, we can see how well appreciated they are by our readership.

While most of the video interviews have been purely editorial - the topics and participants chosen by our editor, Philip Alsop - we are being asked by more and more companies to produce specific video interview packages.

Against this background, we are delighted to offer VIDEO INTERVIEW PACKAGES

If you'd like to guarantee inclusion, and also have a valuable asset to use as and where you want into the future, we highly recommend that you consider the VIDEO INTERVIEW PACKAGE, which works as follows:
  • Choose the topic that you wish to take leadership in. Whether you'd like to promote a product or service or to discuss some of the current industry issues, we will work with you to produce a 30-minute video.
  • Following an initial discussion, our editor will produce a set of agreed questions for sharing ahead of the interview and share the Zoom recording link.
  • Once the interview has been recorded via Zoom, this is sent off for editing, including your company logo, and the edited video is then shared with you for the amends/approval process.
  • Once signed off, the video will be included in the next DW Video Issue, on the DW website, and we will give you the original source file, so you can promote via social media.

Contact us to find out how you can be involved.

You will still have the usual opportunity to submit editorial articles and comment pieces, free of charge, to be considered for inclusion in the digital magazine and/or on the DW website.

Package Details

30 Minutes
30 min ZOOM interview with the editor
The interview will include a single page of advertising in Digitalisation World or 1 Newsletter sponsorship. Package Price £995
Contact us

Jackie Cannon
+44 (0)1923 690 205

Phil Alsop
+44 (0)24 7671 8970

Mark Hinds
Senior Sales Executive
+44 (0)24 7671 8971
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